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KnitPro LANTERN MOON knitting needles collection

Why LANTERN MOON is a luxurious knitting needle and hook collection?

The Lantern Moon collection uses rare woods and exceptional materials that reflect the magical beauty of the Southeast Asian land in which it was founded. This collection is an example of what happens when the natural creativity of the artisan and a skilled hand are combined: Knitting Needles made of rare woods, with a soft and silky finish, become instruments of creation. Smooth and elegant silks turn into bags and cases that protect precious needles and tools.

The packaging for the Lantern Moon Collection is created with an appreciation for the subtle beauty of the entire range. Needle Sets are neatly packed in their own pure silk zippered cases that carry a traditional motif on the exterior. All accessories and sets are packed in an elegant sheer fabric pouch to provide good visibility.

Would you like to know more about the KnitPro company? Read more >>>


Why are LANTERN MOON knitting needles and hooks so specials?

Lantern Moon unique ebony crochet hooks and knitting needles are really handcrafted. Ebony is a very hard black-colored wood that hardly splinters. In addition, there is hardly any shrinkage or expansion with dry ebony. All these properties make the specific type of wood the perfect material for durable knitting and crochet hooks. With Lantern Moon you get beautiful, high-quality, and durable handicraft products!

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